Tuesday, December 30, 2008

December 2008

We have had a wonderful Christmas. It is a rule at our house..you have to have some happy pictures with your gifts! Here is Emily with her new coat! It was evident that Luke did all the shopping and wrapping of Nick's gift himself. Let's see it was wrapped in pink, non Christmas paper and he got a Hannah Montana Christmas Card. See how happy it made him:) Nick did however love the Leatherman! It was much better than the snugglie his was telling us he was sending! Such a comedian!
The gang posing following the traditional re-enactment of the Nativity. I don't know what happened to our costume box, we would have had some better outfits if I could have found our box, but weren't the wisemen creative with their costumes! When I was looking at these pictures I crack up..I should really have had more imput on the costumes I see! Nick made the big effort to get a lampshade and his robe from graduation. Tim's 'crown' reminds me of a hard hat! He made it himself..can you tell! Ashley has been worrying about her costume for days. The Shepherds did quite well, notice the candy cane shepherds crooks. This tradition combines our love of the nativity story with family quirkiness! I hope it doesn't get sacriligious. This year we added music, which actually was very touching.

Here are the wisemen singing "We three Kings" . It was interesting. Nick wasn't into it much but we got a note or two our of him. It still was fun.

This little angel sang "Glo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ria. In excelsi deo" It was great!+

1 comment:

Haley Webb said...

I keep waiting for these new pictures. What's the deal?